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Research Work Done By Students 2014 - 19



Name of Guide Title of Study
Divya Prabha.G Assessment of the levels of knowledge regarding self medication practice among staff nurses
Priya GR Assessment of the knowledge regarding dots therapy among newly diagnosed Tuberculosis patients
Anu J Assessment of the knowledge regarding urinary Tract infection among antenal mothers who are attending out patient department in prs hospital
Najma M Assessment of the knowledge regarding weaning in infants among mothers
Pradeepa M Assessment of the knowledge regarding Tobacco use and its correlates among School going Adolescents
Gitty George Assessment of the knowledge regarding importance of immunization among parents of under five children


Name of Guide Title of Study
Sindhu R Assessment of the knowledge and practice regarding the use of MDI among COPD and Asthma patients
Aji R L Assessment of the knowledge regarding Breast self examination among adolescent girls
Najma M Assessment of the knowledge regarding care of children
Priya GR Assessment of the knowledge regarding prevention and management of needle stick injury.


Name of Guide Title of Study
Mrs. Divya Prabha G Assessment of the level of knowledge regarding cord blood banking among prospective parents.
Mrs. Gitty George Assessment of the level of knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation among staff nurses
Mrs. Chithra S S Assessment of the knowledge regarding health hazards of alcoholism.
Mrs. Najma M Assessment of the knowledge regarding importance of play in growth and development among mothers of under five children.
Mrs. Divya Gigi Raj Assessment of the knowledge regarding house hold waste management among house wives.
Mrs. Sindhu R Assessment of the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding pulmonary rehabilitation among COPD patients.
Mrs. Aruna S R Assessment of the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding self administration of Insulin among patients with diabetes mellitus
Mrs. Aji R L Assessment of the knowledge regarding developmental milestone of infants among mothers.


Name of Guide Title of Study
Mrs. Divya Prabha G Assessment of the level of knowledge regarding preventive measures against visual problems among IT professional
Mrs. Gitty George Assessment of the knowledge regarding prevention of Iron deficiency anemia among antenatal mothers.
Mrs. Aji. R L Assessment of the knowledge regarding polycystic ovarian disease among adolescent girls.
Mrs. Happy S Kumari Assessment of the level of knowledge regarding the adverse effect of fast food among Adolescents.
Mrs. Aruna S R A study to assess the adjustment problem among first year B Sc Nursing students of PRS College of Nursing, Thiruvananthapuram
Mrs. Priya G R Assessment of the health problem of the old age people at selected old age homes.
Mrs. Neethu P Thomas Assessment of the knowledge regarding optional vaccine and the barriers in availing it among mothers of under five
Mrs. Sindhu R Assessment of perception on peer assisted teaching and learning among nursing students.


Name of Guide Title of Study
Mrs. Sindhu R A study to assess the knowledge, attitude, practice and barriers regarding evidence based practice among staff nurses.
Mrs. Divya Gigi Raj A study to assess the knowledge and practice of household water purification among mothers.
Mrs. Gitty George A study to assess the knowledge and prevention of post menopausal osteoporosis among post menopausal women
Mrs. Divya Prabha G A study to assess the knowledge and practice on infant feeding among mothers of infants.
Mrs. Neethu P Thomas A study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding ill effects of online gaming among adolescents
Mrs. Priya G R A study to assess the knowledge and practice regarding dietary modification among chronic renal failure patients undergoing hemodialysis